Contribution of Sidiki Diabate (1922~1996), legendary korafolá A korafolá is a kora player in mandinka (who is able to make the kora talk) - korafolálu, plural. - nick-named « the King of the Kora »- had been determinant to Mande traditional music. See my short summary of the career of Sidiki Diabate here.
He played with most famous and greatest Manding musicians, collaborated with the great Sory Kandia Kouyate and contributed, as one of the first great jèlílua jèlí (plural, jèlílu) is a bard, loremaster, and praise-singer in the Manding areas whose functions are story-telling, speaking about lineages, singing and playing music as he want and hear it... Read more. , to make known worldwide the kora ; when the international audience has listened to him, everybody has been amazed of such deep and masterplay technics.
In the discography of Sidiki Diabate, I appreciate the records he realized with Sory Kandia Kouyate ; but there is a disc I actually do like : «Mali : Ancient Strings» - the 1st record ever only devoted to kora ! - , Sidiki realized with Jeli Madi Sissoko, Batourou Sekou Kouyate, and N'Fa Diabate ; this disc is, on my own sense, THE reference in Manding instrumental traditional music, especially in kora music.