"Sarakollais prince and his captive"- Col. FREY, Côte occidentale d'Afrique - Jeanniot - 1890 - Gallica (Bnf)
This tune is an eponym song. Its main topic is telling about a man called Massana (litteraly «great lord») Cisse. He was
living in a village called Bitang in Gambia near the Niger river that Gambians call « Bolongo » ; so the famous chorus : « Bitang Bolongo, Massana Cissé... »
Massana Cisse was a very rich man and his appetites were as large as his fortune. He fell in love with a young woman who
had been yet engaged with a poor farmer ; but Massana forced her parents to break the engagement so he could marry her.
But at the day of the weddings, while her bride approached him, suddenly he appeared to be taken lethal ill ; and when the
bride was close to him, Massana was dead.
That song is played and sung to encourage the Great ones to be measured. It also recalls us that every time we give way to
our passions, we approach a little more of the term our destiny : death. You may find many words, sentences or proverbs of that chorus song in several Manding folksongs like Dakan or
Mani Sajio.