«During the years 1940 and 1950, when the movement for independence started, « Kaira » was the name adopted by
the association of the young jèlílua jèlí (plural, jèlílu) is a bard, loremaster, and praise-singer in the Manding areas whose functions are story-telling,
speaking about lineages, singing and playing music as he want and hear it... Read more. of the city Kita - well-known place for studying and teaching jèlílua jèlí (plural, jèlílu) is a bard, loremaster, and praise-singer in the Manding areas whose functions are story-telling, speaking about lineages, singing and playing music as he
want and hear it... Read more. art of word - in Mali. « Kaira » was a place of cultural meetings for young lovers and its demonstrations were used for the expression of nationalist ideas. So, French authorities prohibited its activities. Rumours suggest that the association have been removed because some of its members despoiled the French commander of some of his "little girlfriends". After the independence, « Kaira » became one of the most popular tunes of the jeli women... »
« Kaira » was a very leading musical piece in the career of Sidiki Diabate for he arranged it in a very personal
way. According to certain sources, that song would have been created in Kela (Mali) in 1946, and around it a lot of associations of young people being opposed to the French colonizers have formed
very early.
« It worked against the jazz wave ("zazou movement") imported from the European West countries ».
However, « Kaira » made the celebrity of Sidiki Diabate. He went from village in village through Mali, performing
this song to revive nationalist feelings and exhort to rejoin partisans in the R.D.A (African Democratic Movement), independence movement initiated by Modibo Keita, first president of Mali.
As well as for the innovation of the interpretation than by the subject, this song became a « hit », and today it
is a traditional « standard » of Malian Mandenka repertoire.
Famous performers of « Kaïra » :
Sidiki Diabate : Mali : Cordes AnciennesAfter the WW II, the kora was popularized world wide by Sidiki Diabate (1922~1996) and Jeli Madi Sissoko, two kora virtuosos from Gambia. Pioneers, they felt certain that the jèlíya was offering them the best chance to head up Mandenka political and cultural legacies... Read more., © 1970 Buda Records - 2000 releas. |
Toumani Diabate,
Kaïra, Hannibal Records, 1989, Rykodisc |
Amy Koita, Songs Of Praise - Stern's Records (feat. Moriba Koïta Moriba Koita is a
very great n'konifála, native of Kita (Mali) - the cradle of jelilu great dynasties, very famous in his country and all around the world... Read more., n'goni) |
Djeli Moussa Ballake Sissoko, Kora Music From MaliBallake Sissokho is a great korafolá from Mali, great griot Djelimady Sissokho's son... Read more., © 1997 Bibiafrica / Indigo |
Balla Tounkara, MalifolyBalla Tounkara is a korafolá and a singer. Nephew of the famous guitar hero Djelimady Tounkara, grandson of famous korafolá Batourou Sekou Kouyate, Balla exhibits great virtuosity... Read more., © 2000 Balla Tounkara Music |
Soriba Kouyate,
Bamana, © 2001 Act Music |