 Moriba Koita was a very great n'konifôlaA nkonifolá is a player of n'koni (the one who is able to make the n'koni talk) - nkonifolàlù, plural... Read more. , native of Kita
(Mali) - craddle of jèlílujèlílu (plural, jèlílu) are bards, loremasters, and praise-singers whose functions are story-telling, speaking about lineages, singing and playing music... great dynasties, very famous in his country and all around the world. Favourite partner of Yakhouba Sissokho (kora), Lansiné Kouyaté (balaphon), Check Tidiane Seck (keyboards) and so many stars of modern manding music, he took part to so many records that I'm unable to review all of them !
On my own, I prefer these records :