 Ami Koita is a very great star in all over West Africa and she's now
famous all around the world. Coming from Mali, she is to be considered as a great diva such as Mah Damba, Kandia
KouyatéKandia Kouyate is a very famous singer women coming from Mali, world wide known, - since she was a a child, she was indeed a legend... Read more., Oumou Sangare, Tata Bambo
KouyatéTata Bambo Kouyate is a great vocalist coming from Mali and hailing from the old and noble Kouyate... Read more., etc. Belonging to the Ensemble Instrumental National du MaliSchool of excellence, symbol of the artistic
and cultural unit of Mali, the national instrumental Ensemble is a monument of the Malian music... Read more., she
has much contributed to spread out the tradional folkmusic of Mali.
Many of her compositions are today standards of the Manding repertoire like her famous song entitled « Hampate Bah »,
outstanding performance and variation of the narrative epics «TaaraTara is the tune of the departure, a praising epic song in
honor of heroes, composed upon the rhythm of Yeela... Read more. ».
Accompagnied by great musicians of the international and Manding scene such as Moriba Koïta Moriba Koita was a very great nkonifola, native of Kita (Mali) - cradle of jelilu... Read more. ( n’koniThe n'koni is a cordophon hailing from the Fulani, used since antiquity by that ethnic group... Read more.) or Ousmane Kouyate (Manding guitar), Ami performances of classical Manding songs are now standards like her version of «KairaDuring the years 1940 and 1950, when the movement for independence started, «Kaira» was the name adopted by the association of the young jelis of the city Kita... Read more about... » or
her masterpiece «Tira Manghan faasa « Tira Maghan » is a song from the praising verses of « Tira Maghan faassa » devoted to the hunter hero, great bowman... Read more.» entitled « Gnagna ».