There are 2 CD entitled « Mandekalou » but subtitles and contents are absolutely different and not to be confused :
1) Mandekalou : les voix mandingues.
2) Mandekalou : Mande Jeliou, The art and soul of the mande griots (US release).
If the 1st record is a mere compilation of famous Manding songs and performers, Mande
Jeliou, The art and soul of the mande griots is the result of the great project of the famous African producer Ibrahima Sylla : « to gather all the greatest artists of our
present time and record the greatest griots songs for the benefit of the future generations. » (CD's booklet note).
 Project « elaborated since fifteen years» (CD's booklet note), which is gathering indeed not less
than 14 most famous and talented artists of the Manding scene such as : Kemo Conde (vocals), Sekouba
Bambino Diabate (vocals),
Bako Dagnon (vocals),
Kandia Kouyate (vocals), Kasse Mady Diabate (vocals),
Djessou Mory Kante (guitar),
Djelimady Tounkara (guitar),
Kerfala Kante (guitar),Mamadou Sidiki DiabateMamadou Sidiki Diabate, alias « Madou » is the youngest son of the late Sidiki Diabate... Read more. -
Toumani Diabate 's younger brother, on kora and many others.
All of them obviously in a state of grace perform the great standards of the Manding music, like Mali SadioThis song hails from a popular tale. The tale has on it that a loving link rose up between a young woman and a hippo. .. Read more., Keme BouremaThis song tells about Fabou (Faboli) Daboloba Toure, so-called Keme Birama who was the younger brother of Samory Toure... Read more. ou SundiataSundiata faasa is the most famous song of the Manding tradition. That song is also known under the title of The Anthem of the Bow or Simbo... Read more, competing each others on some high inspirated and brilliant solos.
A historical record.