 Sekouba Diabate nicknamed « Bambino » is a singer
and multi-instrumentalist, coming from Guinea, and he is very famous in his country, in all West Africa and all around the world.
Since he joined Sekou Bembeya DiabateSekou « Bembeya » Diabate, nicknamed the « Doctor Diabate », is a Manding guitar player very famous in his country and in all West Africa... Read more. (lead guitar) of the legendary band «Bembeya JazzThe Bembeya Jazz National was a great Manding orchestra, very famous in Guinea and in all West Africa... Read more. » - 1st orchestra of African jazz music - band created under the authority of Sekou Toure, very early in his great career Sekouba Bambino Diabate displayed a exceptional talent for
singing and a great knowledge of the Manding's history.
His mastery in the traditional art of word is particularly displayed on the memorable album that is now a classic :
«Le Destin » ; accompagnied by the great Djeli Moussa CondeDjeliMoussa Conde is an great korafolá and singer, coming from Guinea Conakry.... Read more., he performs successfully some standards of the Manding traditional music like Allah La Ke« Alla La Ke » is one of the most famous songs of old Manding music tradition. It traces back to Sundjata times and was played on bala and n'koni before being adapted at the kora... Read more. - (Ougnafola).
On the other hand, he innovates performing invigorative and groovy tunes like his very famous version of « Kassouma Ma(n) »
or «CheriCheri (Lil Darling) is not, properly talking, a "traditional" or epic song ; but it was rather a popular folksong "in the mood" in Guinea near the
1960s... Read more. » (Autorail) - accompagnied here by the great nick-named "little" Djeli Moussa DiawaraDjeli Moussa Diawara is a very great korafolá. Many of his compositions are now already “standards” in West Africa folksongs repertoire... here at kora.
You should notice that the last release of this record - import from Japan - relased in 2003, includes 3 extra-bonus
Sekouba Bambino Diabate turned his music style towards R'n'B as you can hear it in «Sinikan» - he
sings here a reprise of the famous James Brown's hit : « It's A Man's Man World ».
Sekouba Bambino Diabaté, Le Destin - 1982 LP © Bomba Records - réed.2003 |
Sekouba Bambino, Kassa - 1997 - © & (P) Stern's Africa - STCD1074 |
Sekouba Bambino, Sinikan - 2002 - (P) Syllart - NextMusic / Sono - CDS 8932 (feat.
Djeli Moussa Condé ) |
Sekouba Bambino, 15ème anniversaire - 2005 - (P) Syllart |
Sekouba Bambino, Diatiguyw - 2012 - © & (P) Stern's Africa - STCD1074 |