Ebraima « Tata Dindin » Jobateh is a great virtuoso and korafolá A korafolá is a kora player in mandinka (who is able to make the kora talk) - korafolálu, plural. . Native of Brikama
(Gambia), son of great korafolá A korafolá is a kora player in mandinka (who is able to make the kora talk) - korafolálu,
plural. Malamine Jobarteh, he learned to play the kora with the legendary korafolá A korafolá is a kora player in mandinka
(who is able to make the kora talk) - korafolálu, plural. Alhaj Bai KontehAlhaji Bai Konté was a korafolá very famous in Gambia,
like Jali Nyama Suso, thus less world popular ... Read more..
Quite unknown by the European audience, he is a famous star in Gambia (and now in Deutschland) ; he seems like to be a
great master of traditional Manding repertoire, therefore, he may be considered as one of most representatives korafoláluA korafolá is kora player in mandinka (who is able to make the kora talk) - korafolálu, plural. from the modern school of kora in Gambia called « yenyengo ». 
Listen to him performing folksongs tunes like Sakho DuguSakhodougou is a song that can be dated exactly in the historical chronology... or Allah La Ke« Alla La Ke » is one of the most famous songs of old Manding music tradition... Read more. (« Africa »).
Released in Deutschland in 2001, Tata Dindin's another awesome record is urgent to discover : as he competes with Hans
Lüdemann (keyboards) and clavicord, walking easily on a fruitfull jazz background , Tata Dindin's amazing kora style (most of the tracks are recorded live) is widening old Manding folksongs like
DugaDuga is the Song of the Vulture, the symbol of the epic hero in the Manding... Read more. ; his own compositions also are great. Listening to a masterpiece opening the album : Nanifa will give you a good appreciation of him.
Must discover him.
Tata Dindin, World Network Vol. 23: Gambia : Salam, New Kora Music - Network/Harmonia Mundi - Ref. : 56.
981 |
Tata Dindin & Hans Lüdemann, African Dialogues (Piano meets kora)- RISM, 2001 - (Import - 2005) - Ref. : UD 5765 |
Tata Dindin, Kanaké, 2008 © Abuko Earth Station / SAM 9016 |