Dates |
Events, empires, sovereigns |
Testimonies |
Rise of Wagadou empire («the land of herds», in soninke tongue) called «Ohana» («wealth» in Arabic) or Ghana (Mandenka word for « ñana », i.e. : hero).
Rise of the «Wague» dynasty, then the «Cisse». 
Mythical foundations of Gao and Djenne (Djenne-Djenno).
The astronomer Al Fazari quotes «the territory of Ghana, the land of gold». |
Myth of genius pytho «Bida» told in the epic folksong Miniyamba.
Diabe Cisse, a Soninke prince becomes the sovereign of Wagadou empire, unificates it and extends it from Tekrour (west) to Diafounou (to the east at Djenne).

Capitale of the Wagadou empire at Koumbi-Saleh. Diabe «Cissé» takes the honorific patronym of «Tounka» (Tounkara), i.e. : absolute sovereign.
«Tunkara Fassa» (panegyric devoted to the Tunka kings) |
Apogee of Wagadou.
Conquest of Aoudaghost (Awdaghast, Taghaost, Taghaoust), great Berber city, in 990 by the «Tounka» (king) of Ghana.
Al Ya' Kubi, «Kitab-al-Buldān» (Book of the Countries, 872) describes Gao's realm.
Megaliths of Tondidarou
Baraman(d)a, first king (according to the legend) of Mali near the 1050's.
Apogee of the Empire of Ghana.
Beginning of islamization of the Black people in West Africa under the influence of the men of the ribât and the theologian leader, Abdallah Ibn Yasin, known as «Al-Murâbitîn» («The Almoravid»).
Intervention of the Almoravids in Ghana in 1054.
Foundation of Timbuktu.
Wardjabi, king of Tekrur converts a part of his Toucouleurs subjects and people to Islam.
Abu Obeid Al Bakri, op.cit (1068) |
Kingdoms of Gao, (Songhaï), of Do and Malel (Mali?).
Foundation of a city-state by the Soso dynasty of Diarasso in the north of Beledougou, between Koumbi Saleh and Bamako.
Conquest of Ghana by the Almoravides. Collapse of Koumbi Saleh.
Rise of Kaniaga, the country of Soninke .
Hamama, first sovereign (attested) of Mali.
Massive slave trading by Ghana in Mandinka countries.
Rise of «Mali» (Manding), vassal province of the kingdom of Sosso.
Mamady Kani [Konate] called Kanimany (Kanimane), legendary king of the Manding extend the kingdom to the Boure and hand it over to his sons hunters, Kani Simbo, Kaninyongo Simbo, Kabala Simbo and Bamari Simbo.
Hegemony of the realm of Sosso (or Kaniaga) under the authority of Diarra Kante (Dâbi Kemogo) then of his son Soumaworo Kante.
Annexation of Ghana, of countries of high-Senegal and Kingui (or Diara) by Soumaworo Kante.
Foundation of Oualata by rich Moslem people of Ghana, who ran away from the domination of Sosso.
In Mali, reign of Moussa Bala Djigui Doumbia of Karatabugu known as «Allakoi Moussa», small son of Hamama. Moslem king very pious, he makes pilgrimage at Mecca and converts his subjects to Islam.
In Dakadyalan (Manding), reign of Nare Famanghan Kon Fatta known as «Frako Maghan Keigu» or «Keñi» («the Beautiful»). He receives the clanic patronym of «Konate» (« Nobody said no [to him] »).
«Soumaworo Fassa» (Panegyric of Soumaworo) |
«Tunkara Fassa» (devoted to the Tunka kings) renewed. |
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Conquest of Djolof in Serere area by Tiramanghan, warchief of Soundjata, in consequence of Djolofin Mansa's insult (robbery of Sundjata's horses).
Conquest and annexation of Ghana by Soundjata.
«Tira Makhan faasa», epic praising song devoted to the warchief Tira Manghan Tarawélé. |
Hierarchisation of the Manden clans and aristocracy :
- 5 lineages « massalen » (noblemen) hailing from Mamourou |
- 5 clans of marabouts called in honor « Manden mori » : Cissé, Touré, Djané, Bérété, Co(u)mba. |
- 5 clans of caste (ñàmàkálálu) : blacksmiths, leather workers, craftsmen, intercessors trained in the Qur'an, and griots.  |
- 4 lineages of intercessors |
Soundjata receives the patronymic name of « Kei(y)ta ».
Soundjata claims that « Islam is now the official religion of Manding ».
Unification and division of the provinces between the confederated clans : Keita, Konate, Konte and Camara are still exclusive owners of the main part of the Manding's lands.
Death of SundjataSundiata faasa is the most famous song of the Manding tradition. This song is also known under the title of The Anthem of the Bow or Simbo... Read more (unknown circumstances).
Soundiata's genealogy.
Balla Fasseke Kouyate, «Sundjata Faassa»
Creation and redaction (?) of «Kurukanfugan's Chart»