 Jali Nyama SUSO,
born Mohamadu Lamin Suso (1925~1991), was a very great korafolá A korafolá is a kora player in mandinka (who is able to make the kora
talk) - korafolálu, plural. who has been world wide famous in the 1970's . In the main part, thanks to him, the AngloSax learned how to appreciate the traditional music of Gambia. Indeed,
“he left Africa, first once in 1971, to come as a kora teacher in the United States. "The first time" not only for him, but also for the rest of the world : no other player of kora had not been
before him titular of a professor's chair in an important university.”
source : CD booklet notes by Roderic KNIGHT, Oberlin conservatory of Music, Ohio
The music and the message of Jali Nyama SUSO were strongly anchored in the tradition but he did not scorn to turn to
modernity (see “FantaThis song was composed in the 1960s in honor of a very beautiful woman named Fanta Djabi... Read more.”).
On my part, I know only these 2 records (initially released LP), the first one, released under French label Ocora, reference OCR 70: Gambie, L'Art de la kora, Jali
Nyama Suso, © Ocora Radio France, 1996 ; and the second : Jali Nyama Suso, Gambie, Kora music from the Gambia, imported from Germany.
This record made date : “it was the first world publication of an album of kora solo, made by a company already famous for the high quality of its recordings of African music.” Roderic
KNIGHT, op. cit.