Type malinkais du
Haut-Niger - Col. FREY,
Côte occidentale d'Afrique - vues, scènes, croquis de
Jeanniot, Bretennier, Darondeau, Fernando, Nousveaux,
Phillipe - 1890 - ©
Gallica (Bnf) |
This song was composed in honour of Alhaji Bamba Bodian or Ledjè,
a wealthy merchant of the XIX century, king of Sumakunda (Gambia)
who was also a generous patron (“djatiguia (d)jatigui is a patron or a family ; in honor of him (them), in exchange for benefits and a certain material comforts, the griot should use to sing, at will, his praise and eulogy of his clan... Read more.”)
to the griots of Gambia. Many Gambians consider him the forerunner
of the modern state of Gambia.
“Bamba” was a nickname which he was honoured because, as the
legend tells, he used to feed crocodiles (“bambo”) by the Gambia
Some korafolálu A korafolá is a kora player in mandinka (who is able to make the kora talk) - korafolálu, plural. recorded this song, but the one whose name is attached to the song
is definitely Lalo
Keba Drame who recorded a brilliant version in 1967. Another virtuoso korafolá A korafolá is a kora player in mandinka (who is able to make the kora talk) - korafolálu, plural. gave a classic version, Alhaj Bai Konte, imitated by many korafolálu A korafolá is a kora player in mandinka (who is able to make the kora talk) - korafolálu, plural. but never equaled.
See also modern versions of Ba CissokoBa Cissoko is a name of a young jèlílu band whom Ba Cissoko himself (traditional kora and lead vocal), his cousins, Seckou Kouyate (electric kora and vocals) and Kourou Kouyate (bass, bolon, and vocals). The rest of the band is variable... Read more. and Dawda