Others writings : Sambakoro - A Yelema |
Way of playing and specific tuning : Sawta or Sila Ba  |
"Group of Bambaras of Upper-Senegal " - Col. FREY, Côte occidentale d'Afrique - vues, scènes, croquis de Jeanniot, Bretennier,
Darondeau, Fernando, Nousveaux, Phillipe - 1890 - © Bnf - Gallica
“Samakoro” is a traditional folksong from Guinea.
Initially, « Samakoro » was the name of a village (or many others) of Upper Guinea.
But, because of the dubious meaning of its refrain and the double meaning of the song , it ended to mean also somebody who
is always annoying the others, known by everybody but whose name is not said when one's complains of him about his misdeeds.
According to my kora teacher, Bakema Susso, the creation
of this song would be contemporary of the epic song called « Kemebourama » : indeed, the main musical theme of « Samakoro » appears
to be very close of it.
Although, that song has been in the mood in 60-70 years in West Africa, yet it seems to be quite neglected by korafolálu and folksongs Manding performers in the last
ten years.
Mamadi Kaba, in Anthologie des chants mandingues, [bibliography], collected a version
limited to some main lyrics but it offers a quite simple view of the entire song.