Bambaras Chiefs- Col. FREY, Côte occidentale d'Afrique - vues, scènes, croquis de Jeanniot,
Bretennier, Darondeau, Fernando, Nousveaux, Phillipe - 1890 - © Bnf - Gallica
« Boloba » is a founding song from Manding areas, one of the « the first hymn of the Manding, played in honor of
the brave ones, and those who are been gratified to the dignity of chiefs and great hunters ».
source : Y. Tata Cissé - Wa Kamissoko, la grande geste du Mali , pp. 164 - [bibliography]
Originally created especially in the area of Guinea, the Boloba tune was, in fact, largely inspired by famous patterns of
the epic song Simbo.
Therefore, that song could be traced back to the origins of the legendary times of the kingdom of Manding, at the time of the
blacksmith kings Kamara from Sibi (Guinea).
In any case, it is a song that belongs to the cycle of the Epics of the Hunters ; and because of the musical richness of the
theme, Boloba has been sometimes confused with other songs like «Kuruntu KelefaLitterally, « Kuruntu Kelefa » means « Kelefa trailed on his chariot
». Indeed, history tells that the horses of and Kelefa Saneh, to which that song is devoted, were trained to move to the trot on the rhythm of that song. So was sung that song during traveling and
triumphs of the hero ... Read more. » or « (Mori)Mansa Kele » - so that one may reasonably supppose that, indeed, the Boloba theme by itself would have inspired the creation of «Kuruntu KelefaLitterally, « Kuruntu Kelefa » means « Kelefa trailed on his chariot ». Indeed, history tells that the horses of and Kelefa Saneh, to which
that song is devoted, were trained to move to the trot on the rhythm of that song. So was sung that song during traveling and triumphs of the hero ... Read more. » by the jèlílua jèlí (plural, jèlílu) is a bard, loremaster, and praise-singer in the Manding areas whose functions are story-telling, speaking about lineages, singing and
playing music as he want and hear it... Read more. .
The song Boloba is devoted to influential people of a village, literally « big (ba) arm
(bolo) » to remind their eulogy, and it is nowadays still sung in Guinea in honor of important persons.
Few korafolálu recorded that song under the title « Boloba », initialy created on the balafon and
still often played on it.
Famous performers « Boloba » :