LambanInitially, «Lamban» was devoted to the Kouyate lineage, who belonged to the very first family of jelis in Mande... Read more about.
Praising song devoted to jèlílujèlílu (plural, jèlílu) are bards, loremasters, and praise-singers in the Manding areas whose functions are story-telling, speaking about lineages, singing and playing music as they want and hear it..
Tutu Diarra
Praise song devoted to Tutu Diarra, famous king of Segou.
DugaDuga is the Song of the Vulture, the symbol of the epic hero in the Manding. Duga is a song very popular in the countries of Manding traditiona and arera that belongs to the cycle of The Epics of the Hunters... Read more.
Epic song devoted to the brave warriors fallen in the battlefield.
KedoKedo is a song was composed near 1865 after the war of the Moslim Fula people versus the pagan kingdom of N'Kaabu...
Song telling about the story of a harsh and famous battle between Fula and Maninka.