Pa Bobo Jobarteh is a korafoláA kora player is called korafolá (who is
able to make the kora talk) - korafolálu, plural. shifting from traditional Mandinka music for kora - an amazing old style with this particular minor tuning
called sauta cherished by traditionists players from N'Gaabu - see M'Bady Kouyate.
« Pa Bobo Jobarteh is undoubtedly the Gambia's most popular young kora musician. He started playing the twenty
one string music instrument at the age of six, under the guidance of his father, Ma Lamin Jobarteh and brother
Tata Didin.
When he was only fourteen years old, he was identified to take part in the World Music Arts and Dance (WOMAD) in UK. Pa's name has now become synonymous to WOMAD. He is frequently being invited to
perform in different parts of the world. »
Accompagnied by his traditional band (bala and djembé)‚ he is leading idiosyncratic kora solos and classical
folksongs with his own and rough style, titlehough he is following the tradition of kora school style known as yeyengo - 
Pa Bobo Jobarteh is walking easily on the steps of his famous brother
Tata Didin : listen to his 'reprise' of the classical song Allah La Ke« Alla La Ke » is one of the most famous songs
of old Manding music tradition. It traces back to Sundjata times and was played on bala and n'koni before being adapted at the kora... Read more. entitled «Africa» - imitating as a
great tribute to his brother - see own
Tata's variation on his famous album « Salam ».
Pa Bobo Jobarteh : Kaira Naata, Womad Select - WSCD103 - 1997 |