 Fodé Aliou Kouyaté said Fodé Kouyaté (1963~1996) was a korafolá A korafolá is a kora player in mandinka (who is able to make the kora talk) - korafolálu, plural. who created an original music, mixed and inspired by the griots West African repertoire an pop music.
Hailing from the great line of the Kouyate griots from Mali, (he was the nephew and the gender of Batrou Sekou Kouyate), « born in 1963 at Kita (185 km West from Bamako), in a great musical background, Fodé was a son of Africa who liked to work well, and he was so generous and respectfull. At the age of 9, he has lost his father. Even if his mother hate music, his father had been working in the great band called « Orchestre de Kita » before independence of Mali. About his formation, Fode says, « I've been initiated to music ever since my very chilhood ». That is his uncle, Badié Sissoko, a blind man who had been a great source of much inspiration. He followed his footsteps, especially on family ceremonial festivities, baptisms, marriages and so on. He was such a great musician. « That experience has shaped my musical formation, indeed », as he used to say.
Fode also improved his talent with others great players like his uncle Batrou Sekou Kouyate, the famous korafolá A korafolá is a kora player in mandinka (who is able to make the kora talk) - korafolálu, plural. . Since the 10th school class (year 80/81) Fodé ran into a musical career begining by a formation in art theater, then in musics in the ranks of the Orchestre regional of Kita, then in the Orchestre of Kayes and "Félou Star".
Afterwards, he had to exile for ten years in Ivory Coast, where late president Félix Houphouët-Boigny has been his sponsor. Here, he collaborated with Jimmy Hyacinthe, the best producer in Ivory Coast. But soon, by ambition he had to live the Erbrie laguna to settle down in France for he wanted widdening his musical knowledge. During his career, he had always been a peace maker and a fierce defensor of the Jèlí (griot) heritage and the Africa values.
Nterikè (1984), Anka Willi (1992) and Djéliya (1996) are masterpieces and they are emblematic of his peaceful panafricanism. The love of the society, injustice, peace and integration were his favorite themes.
Married with Diamy Kouyaté, the preferred daughter of Batrou Sekou Kouyate, he had 3 children. Patriot, Fode was always exhorting, by his songs like « Anka Willi », his compadres to work hard. Ambassador of the Malian music and culture, he died 11/25/ 1996, at the National Hospital (Point) of Bamako, consequently to a cerebro-spinal meningite, during the conception of his 4th album and many project he ought to achieve. »