Genealogy of famous korafolálu




dot The art of the korafoláluA kora player is called korafolá (who is able to make the kora talk) - korafolálu, plural from West Africa has always fascinated people ; thus, it is not a chance that they are at their best ; a West African proverb tells : « you are born griot, you may not become a griot. » That's the reason why all the best korafoláluA kora player is called korafolá (who is able to make the kora talk) - korafolálu, plural today are hailing from famous korafoláluA kora player is called korafolá (who is able to make the kora talk) - korafolálu, plural themselves, since 2 or 3 generations.


dot This very simple genealogy synthesis exhibits that fact - emphasizing 2 great families for each of 3 country (Mali, Gambia, Sengal) which had - at least - 3 generations of korafoláluA kora player is called korafolá (who is able to make the kora talk) - korafolálu, plural and have « produced » the most famous korafoláluA kora player is called korafolá (who is able to make the kora talk) - korafolálu, plural of today.

Basic genealogy

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