 Moussa Kanoute is a great korafolá A korafolá is a
kora player in mandinka (who is able to make the kora talk) - korafolálu, plural. and singer, well known, as it seems, in United States.
In 1996, he recorded an album which met a large audience in USA : Dance of the Kora. Indeed,
being one of the first kora players to combine traditional kora with other instrumental styles as various as the Caribbean steel-band or the Indian tampura/sitar, Moussa Kanoute succeeded to retain
attention by the freshness and originality of his performing.
Therefore, not neglecting the traditional Manding heritage, he creates original adaptations of some great classic like
SundjataSundiata faasa is the most famous song of the Manding tradition. This song is also known under the title of The Anthem of the Bow or Simbo... Read
more - entitled "Courage" or Sakhadougou
(entitled "Mosque").
Recently released in France on CD, Dance of the Kora is a record that you should listen.