I have learnt so much art and kora playing when I met such a great artist.
Rigour, invention and the desire to look for transcending soundmusic : such are the qualities I've been taught when I met Mr. Toumani Diabate.
For you have opened wide my horizons and have been the first to contribute to my musical and personal researches, for all the attention you paid for me, I thank you very much Mr. Toumani Diabate.
I met again Mr. Toumani Diabate during a recent journey in Bamako in 2000. He welcomed me very cordialy among his relatives at Tomikorobougou and personally invested in my initiation to playing kora in the traditional way.
Toumani Diabate has much contributed to make known the kora all around the world and « by his original meetings opened of new ways to the music... ».
Nago Seck & Sylvie Clerfeuille, The musicians of the African beat, Les Compacts, Bordas, Paris, 1993.
Each of his 10 albums has been a revolution and made a great impact on the world music perception.