In the begining, it was the kora. The father of Lass was Mamadou Kouyaté, from Tambacounda,
Senegal. Mamadou was a very famous korafolá A korafolá is a kora player in mandinka (who is able to make the
kora talk) - korafolálu, plural. , playing folksongs for dignitaries and private musician of President of Senegal, Léopold Sédar Senghor. He was also the first African
musician to create a kora school. Heir of the great tradition of the
griots, Lass quickly learned how to manufacture and play kora.
Then the adventure came from his voice. With a rigorous work, Lass has learned to make it a genuine instrument which
enabled him to print true colors to his creations. Taking his inspiration from the daily life or his own roots, Lass delivers to us in each song of texts that transport us in his universe, authentic
stories sung by his powerful voice and daring arrangements.
Through years, Lass developped his own style with personal compositions. After several years of musical meetings and
concerts, in 2004, Lass autoproducted his first album (6 tracks) in Senegal. In Paris, 2006, he took part to charity project in support for Association Against the Prostitution of the Children with
the Apash collective, creating a album « a good sound for a good cause ». Lass lent his voice for the title « 3 horizons » by the side of Kerry James.
Koumouna, his 1st album is released in 2008. In 14 titles, he shares his universe rich and
varied, accompagnied by great musicians like balafonist Sidy Vieux Keita, pianist Arouna Pouye, saxophonist Tierno Kouyaté, Lamine Faye (bass) and guitarist Jeannot Mendy.
Lass Kouyate, Koumouna, 2008 - Coeur De Cible C.i - © Gelongal |