The bridge


FrançaisQuand le chevalet (en malinké : bato) ne vient pas d'un autre instrument plus ancien, il est taillé dans un morceau de bois de palissandre sur une épaisseur d'environ d'1/4 de pouce... Lire la suite 


Anthony King, The construction and tuning of the Kora, 1972


ICoranic boardf the bridge (Mandinka: bato) is not cannibalised from an older instrument, it is cut to shape from a piece of seasoned rosewood with a thickness of about a quarter of an inch.

dot The main body of the bridge is rectangular in shape, measuring about four and a half by two and three-quarter inches.

dot In addition a flat spearhead-like extension with a length of about two inches is carved in the centre of its top edge.

dot Its overall appearance is thus not unlike that of a Koranic writing board, albeit on a much smaller scale.

dot 11 square-ended notches are cut at equal distances down each of the two sides of the bridge so the final notch on each side is about half an inch from the base.


Great care is taken in cutting each notch so it has a flat lower edge against which the string can rest cleanly. Failure to do this often results in the strings vibrating unevenly or buzzing from intermittent contact with an irregularity.




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