European Web site of African Studies Centre in Leiden (ASC) 
Very precise web High School site, especially for historic studies and researches about Africa and Malinke area countries.
High School Stanford Africa's History Part Web 
Stephen Belcher Web Site 
Stephen Belcher's Web Site. All references books and bibliography about Manding history, ethnics, languages and
Cultures of West Africa 
Website Cultures of West Africa independant for historians, very complete.
“Perry-Castañeda” Library Web site of Texas University
(“Perry-Castañeda Library Map Collection”, “Africa Maps” section ) 
This Web site collects almost all (ancient and new) maps of Africa countries.
“Voyages en Afrique” Exibition Web
site on Gallica, Web Site of the BNF [National French Library] (2002) - 
“ 900 texts, 30 revues titles, 80 maps from BnF printed collections, 20 hours of recordings from “ Museum de la
parole et du geste” and 6500 photos from Geographic Society Archives.” Exhaustive chronology and bibliography.
“Cahiers d'Etudes Africaines” Revue 